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Here is where you can find assignments.

Screencasting assignment: Below is a link to my screencasting assignment on GoNoodle. GoNoodle is a website that can be used by teachers or parents. It is a great source to motivate children and get them up and moving. It is free, so all you need is an email address to sign up. It is easy to use, and does  not take up much time of your busy schedule, the videos are usually less than 5 minutes.



PowToon Assignment: Here is a link to a PowTwoon on a digital book report.  A digital book report is similar to the typical book report.  However, it is on a computer. You still will use the same elements of a report. Such as the plot with the main characters, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. It allows students to be more creative and enjoy writing a book report.


Digital Movie Assignment: Below is a link to my digital movie assignment.  I chose to create a movie dedicated to my family member who lost her life battling Ovarian Cancer.  The song chosen for the movie is one of the most important pieces of my movie. The song is called Good Riddance by Green Day, and it talks about how things will pop up in your life and it is important to capture those moments and live life to the fullest. Something my aunt did with her family at the end of her battle with cancer.


Reading and Video Assignment: Below is my Reading and Video Assignment. I researched the different types of technology that can be useful to me as a future educator. Many of the websites were informative and interesting to read. You can find my opinions on different websites. Some responses also have advantages/disadvantages to the material.





Interactive PowerPoint Lesson: In interactive PowerPoint on The Water Cycle shows students how the water cycle works. It is a mini lesson where students need to follow the steps to learn about the water cycle. At the end of the lesson is a multiple choice question, testing their knowledge.  When the student is finished, the next student can begin!


Inspiration: Verbs can sometimes be tricky. The concept map I created helps students understand the different types of verbs, such as action, helping, and linking verbs. Each branch gives a description of the type of verb. Also, there is an example of the verb type. There are also pictures attached to help students better understand the content. 





Web Page Evaluation: Here is where you can find my evaluation of web pages. Students will evaluate websites for math related content in a 4th grade class. Students will need to decide if the facts on the website are true or false. 






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